Live horse, get grass

So wrapped up in technorati was I that I forgot to talk about my love of delicious (can't remember how the word is broken up). I don't really like the idea of giving away too much information and I see it a lot with people on facebook happy to put up all sorts of posts and photos. Delicious can be used to share "too much" (I would not add all my bookmarks, no matter how handy it would be to access them at different computers. I used to use Foxmarks for that and probably would again if I was moving pc). But I think it's a lovely way of communicating with real people and seeing things through different eyes. So I could tag a page about the UL library with "library" but somebody else might be interested in it for different reasons - "logo", "content management"... It can make you appreciate things that you take for granted when you see that somebody has gone to the trouble of bookmarking and tagging a site. I like it.


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